Velkommen til OTTO

Faktisk begynder Ottos historie med burgeren og et ønske om at lave et kvalitetsalternativ til de traditionelle burgerkæder. Med på denne rejse var en tidligere michelinkok, Rasmus Oubæk, og en tidligere glarmester, Christian Brandt - begge med stærk passion for og kærlighed til mad. Sådan blev Jagger født.

After conquering the city of Copenhagen with the Jagger burger concept, our team and professionalism have grown. Our passion for food has now reached the pizza, and not just any pizza – the Neapolitan-style pizza. With a chewy bite and a light dough that tastes amazing, the Neapolitan pizza is, for many, "the mother of all pizzas". Our chef, Rasmus Oubæk, has spent months in the test kitchen trying to get the pizza dough just right. When the dough was exactly how he wanted it, our team even traveled to Italy with fresh pizza dough in the suitcase to find the right type of oven. We needed an oven which cooked the pizzas to perfection while ensuring the volume needed for a busy Friday night. - All because we have a passion for getting it right.

At OTTO, we offer you that restaurant feeling whether you choose to eat at our place or your own. And if you, like us, like your pizza sizzling hot when served, you can pick our revolutionizing heat-at-home concept. We make fresh pizzas every day and cool them down in our fridge - ready to heat up at home. The pizzas will then go from cold to hot in minutes and ensure a fantastic experience – every time. So, we've got you if you are too busy to cook or want something special – for yourself, or for family and friends.

At OTTO, you can get some of the classics that neither you nor we can live without. But besides the classic white potato, the pepperoni, and other favorite pizzas, we continue to develop new combinations in flavour and ingredients. We are on a relentless pursuit of the best pizza experience for you and your special ones – right in your neighborhood.

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No. 1
Tomat, hvidløg, tørret oregano, parmesan
No. 2
Tomat, mozzarella, basilikum, parmesan
No. 3
'Nduja, tomat, mozzarella, basilikum, parmesan
No. 4
pepperoni, tomat, mozzarella, parmesan
No. 5
skinke, champignon, tomat, mozzarella, frisk oregano, parmesan
No. 6
Salsiccia, mozzarella, tomat, frisk oregano, parmesan
No. 7
Palmekål, champignon, mascarpone creme, mozzarella, parmesan
No. 8
Mozzarella, blåskimmelost, taleggio, pecorino, parmesan
No. 9
Mortadella, grønne oliven, mozzarella, mascarpone creme, parmesan
No. 10
Kartoffel, mascarpone creme, mozzarella, rosmarin, sort peber, parmesan

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